Laparoscopy in Surgery, Gynecology, and Urology

1398/05/22 - 15:49 / 4624

Laparoscopy in Surgery, Gynecology, and Urology

Laparoscopy, the inspection of the abdominal cavity using a rigid endoscope, has been used to assess abdominal and pelvic organs for many years.

KARL STORZ recognized the potential of laparoscopy at an early time. For decades, we have been developing an extensive and highly differentiated range of endoscopes and instruments in the fields of internal medicine, general surgery, urology, gynecology, and pediatric surgery.

The standard surgical repertoire now includes a wide range of laparoscopic surgical procedures. With more than 5500 products developed in collaboration with users, KARL STORZ covers the entire range of diagnostic and surgical procedures.


State-of-the-art urology is inconceivable without the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques of modern endoscopy


Hysteroscopy for diagnosing and treating intrauterine diseases has become a routine procedure in today's hospitals and increasingly in physician's offices as well

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